Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Unfinished Business

With the old season(s) gone and the new season looming, I could not help revisiting the Unfinished Business archives.

TB12 just got his "traditional" wedding wrapped up, it is looking like the rehab is going okay and Cassel has been shipped to K.C. All of this is only paving the way for what will eventually become one of the biggest items to be tracked next season. I have appropriately coined it - UNFINISHED BUSINESS. This shoud be mounted all over the NE Patriots locker room, coaches' office(s), Stadium, Website,...everywhere! Moss, Brady, Plethora of RBs mixed together means one way or the other there will be a story in New England this upcoming season.

In my continuing effort to track this inevitable event and meeting of the minds, here is a tribute to TB12 and the reason my opinion in this post is justified:

(many thanks to newenglanddynasty from youtube for putting this together)


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